Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekly Update

Mammoth Cave
We have booked the Mammoth Cave trip for May 16th. Parents are welcome to go with us but are encouraged to have a background check done before going.  Parents can start this by going to the Graves County Board of Education. We ask that parents drive, because there will not be extra room on the bus. The cost for parents will be $12.00. We will cover the cost for students. There will be more information sent home later for parents wanting to go. 
History Fair
The fourth graders will be participating in the history fair this year. They will be working in groups at school on this. Please send a couple dollars with your child that will help with the cost for the board. Thanks for all your helpJ
Spelling Words
    1.  radar                 11. easel
    2.  cabin                 12. talent
    3.  habit                  13. diver
    4.  never                14. finish
    5.  pity                    15. river
    6.  limit                  16. bison
    7.  cider                 17. level
    8.  stolen                18. spoken
    9.  razor                 19. promise
    10. wiper               20. famous

Subject Areas

Reading: Please be reading with your child every night.  This helps not only with their fluency but improves their comprehension as well.

Science:  We are covering the solar system in science this week.

Math: Many students did much better on the Ch. 4 assessment over Reading and Interpreting Tables and Graphs.  This past week was spent doing a Cumulative Review over concepts we have studied so far.  We have had to do some review of double digit multiplication and long division.  The students also completed a Benchmark Assessment today over material from Ch. 1-4.  Next week, we will begin Ch. 5 on Data and Probability.  Please continue to review the vocabulary list.  We will assess these words next Tuesday, January 31st. Thank you for helping your child study.

Reminder: There will be school on Monday, February 20 to make-up for our snow day. ThanksJ